Types of Immigration Documentations and Visas in Spain

Types of visas in Spain

In order to reside in Spain, individuals must have the appropriate visa and immigration documentation. The type of Visa an individual needs depends on their reason for wanting to live in Spain. There are a variety of Visas available in Spain, including Visas for students, workers, and retirees. In addition to the appropriate Visa, individuals must also have the correct immigration documentation. This article will provide an overview of the different types of visas and immigration documents available in Spain.

Types of Visas for Spain

If you are planning a trip to Spain, it is important to understand the visa requirements for your country of origin and the purpose of your visit. Depending on your nationality and the length and nature of your stay, you may need to obtain a visa in advance in order to legally enter and stay in Spain.

The process of obtaining a visa can be complex, involving several requirements and procedures, but with the right preparation and documentation, it is possible to obtain the necessary visa to visit or live in Spain. Here is an overview of the different types of visas available in Spain:

Golden Visa

The Golden Visa in Spain is also called the investment visa. It is a residency permit granted to foreigners who invest a large amount of money in Spain. For property investments, this is €500,000, and for other investments up to €2 million. There are also other strict requirements to get a Golden Visa.

The Golden Visa gives quick access to permanent residency. After five years, it is possible to gain permanent residence and, after ten years, citizenship.

EU Blue card

The European Blue Card is a residence permit that allows highly skilled workers to work in Spain. To be eligible for the Blue Card, you must have a valid work contract and meet specific educational requirements. The permit is valid for 1 to 4 years; when the same conditions apply, the immigration office will give an extension of the residency permit.

Student Visa

The student visa in Spain helps international students study in Spanish universities and schools. Applying for a student visa is possible if you are accepted to a school or university in Spain and meet the other requirements. The Visa is valid for the duration of your studies.

Non-lucrative residence Visa

The Non-lucrative Visa is for people that don’t intend to work in Spain. Non-lucrative residency is ideal for pensions, and that is why this Visa is also called the retirement visa, and it is indeed made for retiring in Spain. To pass the application for non-lucrative residency, you will need sufficient financial means to sustain yourself in Spain.

Visas in Spain

Entrepreneurs visa

The entrepreneur’s Visa in Spain is for foreigners who want to start or buy a business in Spain. Starting a business in Spain is not enough; you should also support yourself and your family during the first months of the company and contribute to the Spanish economy.

Work Visa

This work and residence permit is for foreigners who have a valid job offer from a company in Spain. The company must be registered with Social Security and meet other requirements. The work visa is good for the duration of your employment contract. Your employer will have to put the application process in motion.

Permanent residency permit

After residing in Spain for 2-10 years on a temporary residency permit, it is possible to apply for a permanent residency permit. The time when you can apply for it depends on many factors. In general, we can make the applications after staying for five years.

Spanish citizenship

After holding several residence permits, you can apply for Spanish nationality. Spanish nationals have other rights and benefits, such as voting and working rights in any country in the European Union. To apply for Spanish nationality, you will have to meet specific requirements, like passing a language test and proving your knowledge of Spanish culture. The NIF number is the tax identification number that every Spanish citizen holds. This number will be obtained for you when applying for Spanish citizenship.

NIE Number

For many bureaucratic procedures in Spain, you need a NIE. It is a tax identification number for foreigners, and it is necessary to get certain services, open a bank account, buy real estate, etc.

Visa application process

In short, to immigrate to Spain, we will apply for a visa to the Spanish embassy in your home country. The embassy then transmits the paperwork to the Spanish authorities. If granted, you’ll be required to pick up your Visa from the embassy before coming to Spain.

Our team has many years of experience with the Spanish visa system and will help you submit a robust application. However, the Spanish visa application process can be tedious, but our immigration lawyers will guide you through every step of the way. Contact us today for more information.

Application appeal

Spanish immigration law can sometimes be challenging; we will handle the entire administrative appeal procedure if the initial filing is refused. We understand that immigration is a complicated process for you. Still, you don’t need to worry anymore because we have a team of immigration lawyers in Spain that completes the process on your behalf.

Visas in Spain

A word from SublimeSpain

In conclusion, obtaining a visa for Spain can be a complex process, depending on your country of origin and the purpose of your visit. However, with the right documentation and preparation, it is possible to obtain the necessary visa to enter and stay in Spain legally. It is important to carefully review the requirements and procedures for obtaining a visa well before your planned travel dates to avoid any potential delays or issues. Once you have your visa, you can look forward to exploring all the wonderful attractions and experiences that Spain has to offer.

Disclaimer: Information on this page may be incomplete or outdated. Under no circumstances should the information listed be considered professional legal or financial advice. We highly recommend seeking guidance from a legal or financial expert if you lack extensive knowledge or experience dealing with any of the procedures outlined in these articles.