Tag Archive for: Selling Property

Taking a mortgage in Spain

8 Tips For Selling Your Property In Spain

If you hope to make a profitable sale, this guide is for you. Here are 8 useful tips for selling your property in Spain.
Escritura: Property Deeds in Spain

Escritura: The Noterial Property Deed in Spain

The Escritura, or property deed in Spanish, becomes relevant during the property buying and selling process in Spain. It is an essential document for the transfer of absolute legal ownership from the original property owner to the purchaser.…
Land Registry in Spain

Land Registry Spain: Information on the “Registro de la Propiedad”

The land registry is common to all countries in the European Union. In Spain, it's called Registro de la Propiedad. Land registry records are a tool that everyone must access because they provide information about who owns the property and how…
Tax deductions in Spain for the self employed

Plusvalia Tax: Everything on the Municipal Capital Gains Tax

When you sell a property in Spain, you are liable to pay a tax called Plusvalia. This article discusses what the Plusvalia is, how it's calculated on the property price, and who needs to pay it. What is the Plusvalia tax? The Plusvalia Tax…
Selling Property in Spain

Selling Property in Spain: A Complete Guide How

Selling property in Spain can be daunting, and you need to make many decisions that could save you money or cost you money. Next to this, it can take quite some time to sell your property. In this article, we will give you tips on how to go…
Property tax in Spain

Property Tax in Spain: Read Our Overview

Property tax in Spain is the taxation on real estate, and it is a very common Spanish tax. You will have to pay multiple taxes on your property, and in Spain, all property owners are required to pay these taxes. You must apply for a NIE (Número…
Capital Gains Tax in Spain

Capital Gains Tax in Spain: Tax Guide When Selling Property

If you live in Spain or are planning on investing in property or other assets within the country, you may eventually encounter the capital gains tax when it comes time to sell the property. It is important that you become acquainted with the…